Nutrition Facts

Nutrition is a very emotive subject and it’s no wonder people have become confused and often anxious when wanting to make a health change. The information overload is forever changing through government-driven ideas, usually without much thought for the person who is desperate to know which way to turn or where to start.

Is this you?

This will stop you losing weight.

Whether it’s fat loss you want, better performance when you’re exercising, more energy or just to sleep better, I believe it starts with you being in control of your health, creating balance by managing stress levels, enjoying a healthy relationship with food, and best of all, getting off the merry go round of fads and new ideas popping up all the time that just confuse you more.

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Myth Buster #1: Low fat dairy is better than full fat

We have been led to believe for decades that low fat dairy products are better for you than full fat.

New research is revealing that when the amount of fat is reduced in the diet, it’s replaced with sugar or carbohydrates, which can result in an array of lipid abnormalities. Fullfat dairy is less processed, more satiating, and tends to taste better than lowfat or fat-free dairy.

Consuming full-fat dairy products may also have a positive impact on weight. A 2013 review published in the European Journal of Nutrition reported less weight gain and a lower risk for obesity among people who ate full-fat dairy products.

Myth Buster #2: Carbs are bad for you

Here’s the short answer: Good carbs — or carbohydrates — are good for you. Bad carbs aren’t. Carbohydrates that come from white bread, white rice, pastry, sugary sodas and other highly processed foods can make you fat. If you eat a lot of these so-called bad carbs, they will increase your risk.

The right type of carbs will support your health journey such as the ones that are closest to nature: vegetables, fruit, pulses, legumes, unsweetened dairy products, and 100% whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, wheat, and oats.

Our food has changed

Weight of pesticides used in UK farming was 17,000 tonnes in 2016.

Fera Science Limited

Typical storage time for an apple in the UK: 6-12 months.

The Guardian

You would have to eat eight oranges today to derive the same amount of Vitamin A as our grandparents would have got from one.

British Food Journal